With our three tiers of services, we meet you where you are.
Core Services
In our first tier of services, we provide experienced consultants to assist with any needs that are core for any business or organization to run smoothly. These include:
Performance Evaluations and Management
Employee and Organizational Communications and
Employment Law Compliance

Developmental Services
As your business or organization expands and matures over time, we're more than happy to assist with any developmental needs you may have. In our second tier of services, we can provide your organization with:
Employee Development
Executive Development
Process Improvements
Employee Law Compliance
Talent Acquisition
Employee Training an Development
Organizational Design and Development, and
Coaching Services
Complex Services
We know that sometimes the unexpected can happen, and it can get complicated. Luckily, we've got your back! People Partners® is here for you to help navigate any complex HR needs that may arise, including:
Crisis Management
Risk Management
Succession Planning
Mergers and Acquisitions
Restructures / RIFs
Wage and Hour Issues
Multiple Employment Lawsuits
Complex Employee Relations Issues, and

Downloadable Forms
Samples for you to view and use, as an example of what we offer as part of our services
Talent Development
This tool provides a framework for employees and employers to communicate and connect the employee’s professional development and career goals to the core foundation of the company’s objectives and values.

Employee Action
This form provides a number of options with regards to how to approach and/or move forward with an employee.

Performance Development
This is a tool that provides struggling employees the opportunity to succeed by identifying the areas of their role or behavior needing improvement and finding the solution(s) to those areas of weakness.

Plan de Desarolla de Talento
La plan es una herramienta que proporciona un marco para que los empleados/empleadores comuniquen y conecten el desarrollo profesional y los objetivos profesionales del empleado con la base fundamental de los objetivos y valores de la empresa.